Prior to this I was actually thinking where on Earth I could find some audio materials for learning as I really suck at pronunciation, and listening to French makes me cringe.
As I started listening to Mark and Anna's lessons I started to feel more comfortable hearing the language. I think theirs is such a brilliant work and help for learners like me. So far I'm on the 48th lesson of their 300 plus compilation. I still have a long way to go hmmm...
Anyway, I'll try to practice and say something en français. I can't think of anything at the moment so this one's short. :P
So here goes:
Bonjour tout le monde! Je m'appelle Joja et c'est mon blog. Aujoud'hui je vais te raconter quelque chose que j'aime. J'aime dessiner. Je dessine animés. Aussi, J'aime les fleurs. J'aime prendre les photos des fleurs. C'est tout pour maintenant, à la prochaine!
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